We’re passionate about helping you thrive
where you need it most.

Meet Melody

Chief Executive Officer & Founder

Melody Mejeh is a visionary entrepreneur and business strategist with a passion for revolutionizing healthcare support services. With over a decade of experience in Agile development and product strategy, Melody has demonstrated leadership in driving initiatives aimed at addressing critical challenges and improving patient outcomes.

As the CEO of RE • HARMONIZE, Melody leads with a mission to provide comprehensive household and personal support for neurodiverse individuals. Drawing from her journey with ADHD, Autism, and SPD and her extensive background in healthcare initiatives, Melody is dedicated to leveraging technology to make a positive impact in the lives of neurodiverse individuals and their families.

Throughout her career, Melody has been at the forefront of healthcare innovation, spearheading projects aimed at diversifying recruitment, reducing stigma, and improving access to social services for underserved populations. Her commitment to empowering patients and providers aligns seamlessly with the vision of RE • HARMONIZE, which aims to create inclusive and supportive environments where neurodiverse individuals can thrive.

Melody's leadership and expertise in Agile development, coupled with her deep understanding of healthcare challenges, position her as a driving force behind RE • HARMONIZE's mission to provide personalized and compassionate support services. With a focus on data-driven decision-making and continuous improvement, Melody is dedicated to ensuring that RE • HARMONIZE delivers value and fosters positive outcomes for all those it serves.

Meet Leanne

Head of Parent Support & Advocacy

Leanne Abramson brings a unique blend of creativity, compassion, and advocacy to her role as a Parent Support Advocate at RE • HARMONIZE. With 17 years of experience in creative design, Leanne is known for her innovative problem-solving skills and her ability to envision and execute impactful solutions.

Beyond her professional accomplishments, Leanne is a devoted mother of two neurodivergent children and a fierce advocate for Neurodiversity equality and disability rights. Her personal experiences navigating the challenges of raising neurodivergent children have fueled her passion for advocacy and informed her commitment to promoting inclusion and support for all individuals.

As a Parent Support Advocate at RE • HARMONIZE, Leanne channels her advocacy work into supporting other parents and families of neurodiverse individuals. She understands firsthand the unique challenges and joys of parenting neurodivergent children and is dedicated to providing compassionate guidance, resources, and advocacy services to support families in their journey.

Leanne's role aligns seamlessly with the mission and vision of RE • HARMONIZE, which is committed to creating inclusive and supportive environments where neurodiverse individuals and their families can thrive. Her advocacy work empowers parents to navigate the complexities of raising neurodiverse children with confidence and resilience, fostering a community of support and understanding.

Dr. Amanda Reioux, Ph.D., JD, is a dedicated advocate and scholar committed to promoting equity and empowerment for marginalized communities. Born and raised in a small farming town in rural Indiana, Amanda embarked on a journey of higher education that led her to become a trailblazer in the fields of law, criminology, and social justice.

After completing her undergraduate studies at Earlham College, Amanda pursued her passion for law by attending law school in Washington, D.C. Upon earning her law degree, she continued her academic pursuits, obtaining a Ph.D. in Criminology, Law and Society from George Mason University. Throughout her academic journey, Amanda's research and activism focused on amplifying the voices of marginalized groups, including neurodivergent individuals, people with disabilities, and LGBTQ+ communities.

Now residing in the Twin Cities, Minnesota, with her husband and two children, Amanda brings her wealth of knowledge and lived experiences to her work as an advocate and consultant. In addition to her professional commitments, Amanda is an avid outdoor enthusiast, enjoying hikes in state parks and embarking on road trips to explore the world around her. She also nurtures her creative side through arts and crafts, as well as her lifelong hobby of photography.

Central to Amanda's professional endeavors is her unwavering commitment to amplifying the visibility of marginalized communities and combatting societal perceptions of inferiority. As a neurodivergent, disabled, queer woman, Amanda navigates her professional and personal life with resilience and determination, serving as a beacon of empowerment for others facing similar challenges. Her dedication to social justice and inclusion aligns seamlessly with the vision and mission of RE • HARMONIZE, where she plays a pivotal role in advancing the organization's commitment to providing compassionate support services for neurodiverse individuals and their families

Meet Amanda

In-House Counsel