Your everything support for neurodivergent humans, by neurodivergent humans.

We’re here to help you thrive.

Life can throw unexpected challenges our way, and sometimes, it feels like we're just barely keeping our heads above water. Trust us, we know.

We understand those moments when life becomes overwhelming, and we're here to offer a helping hand when you need it most.

When you're juggling too much, when the to-do list seems endless, when the world feels like it's moving too fast— that's when we step in. Our dedicated team is here to support you in doing life, even when it feels impossible to manage on your own.

We're more than just a service provider; we’re also neurodivergent, and we want to be your partners in navigating life's ups and downs. Whether it's organizing your home, managing your schedule, or simply lending a compassionate ear, we're here to lighten your load so you can focus on what truly matters to you.

Join Us in Shaping the Future of Neurodivergent Support

Your voice matters. Help us understand the unique challenges and needs of the neurodivergent community by participating in our Neurodivergent Support Survey. Your insights will inform our strategic planning process as we work towards our Spring 2026 launch, ensuring that our programs and services are tailored to meet the most pressing issues and priorities within the neurodiversity community.

Ready to Make a Difference?

Take the survey and let your voice be heard. Together, we can build a more inclusive and supportive world for neurodivergent individuals and their families.

Our Services

  • Our team of trained professionals creates customized organization systems to accommodate the sensory needs and preferences of neurodiverse individuals. We focus on decluttering, creating calming environments, and implementing strategies for maintaining organization.

  • We assist clients in managing their schedules, appointments, and daily routines to promote structure and reduce stress. Our scheduling services are tailored to individual preferences and sensory sensitivities.

  • Our nutrition specialists work with clients to develop personalized meal plans that align with their dietary preferences, sensory sensitivities, and nutritional needs and your budget.

    We provide guidance on meal preparation, grocery shopping, and fostering healthy eating habits.

  • Our cleaning professionals offer thorough and non-invasive cleaning services, utilizing sensory-friendly cleaning products and techniques.

    We prioritize creating safe and hygienic living spaces while respecting individual boundaries and preferences.

  • We provide one-on-one support to assist with various tasks, such as shopping, errands, paperwork, and personal care routines.

    Our compassionate staff members offer assistance tailored to the unique needs and abilities of each client.

  • Our trained body doublers offer companionship and support to neurodiverse individuals who may benefit from having someone present to help initiate and sustain focus on tasks.

    This service aims to increase productivity and confidence in completing daily activities.

  • Harmonize is a peer-to-peer co-regulation support network designed to provide real-time emotional support and guidance for neurodiverse individuals in crisis.

    Through online platforms and community events, members can connect with others who understand their experiences and offer mutual support and encouragement.

Inclusivity is at the heart of everything we do.

We believe that everyone, regardless of race, disability, gender, sexuality, or income level, deserves access to the support and resources they need to thrive. That's why we have a steadfast commitment to ensuring that no one is turned away due to financial constraints.

We operate on a sliding-scale membership model, where individuals can choose a membership fee that aligns with their financial circumstances. For those who can afford to pay the full membership fee outright, your contributions directly support our mission and help offset the costs for those who may need financial assistance.

Additionally, through the generous support of grants from the Harmonize Foundation, we can supplement our financial assistance program. This means that even if someone is unable to afford the membership fees, they can still access our services and resources.

Our goal is to create a community where everyone feels welcome and supported, regardless of their financial situation. Together, we are building a more inclusive and equitable world, one harmonious step at a time.

The Problem

Melody, CEO of Re • Harmonize

“You're not alone in facing life's challenges. Together, we'll navigate the rough patches and celebrate the victories, ensuring that you not only survive but thrive, even in the toughest of times.”

Melody Mejeh is an entrepreneur hailing from the Twin Cities area of Minnesota and she proudly identifies as an Autistic woman with ADHD, PTSD, SPD and Anxiety. As a devoted mother to a neurodivergent child, she embodies unwavering dedication to advocating for neurodivergent and disability rights.